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Calendar of Events

Donnerstag 14 Dezember 2017


The Recreatie Vakbeurs (recreation trade fair) in Hardenberg is again behind us, and has once again generated new information and contacts.

Firmus Products will be at the following fairs in 2018:

De Groene Sector Vakbeurs  (green sector trade fair) in Hardenberg
9, 10 & 11 January 2018 

We will present our products
- ready-to-use, hand-welded FirmusFIXED gabions
- ready-to-use, FirmusGRASS grass-tiles
- ready-to-use, FirmusSEDUM greenroof cassettes

Would you like to make an appointment, please contact us
We are looking forward to meet you.

A reminder to our FirmusPARTNERS: the FirmusPARTNER lunch is scheduled for Wednesday, 10 January. 
Not yet registered? Register by emailing anitawalraven@firmusproducts.eeu